Katerina Bosko




Data Engineer.

I'm a Master's student in Computer Science at Northeastern University (Silicon Valley campus), graduating in May 2023. After an exceptional internship experience, I will join the USAA as a Data Engineer in January 2023.

I'm passionate about Data Analytics and Data Science and recently discovered that I enjoy coding. Since Data Engineering is at the intersection of both Data Science and Software Engineering - both fields that I love - I decided to concentrate in Data Engineering.

My skills include:

  • Python
  • AWS
  • Machine Learning
  • Databases
  • Git
  • SQL

Lifelong Learner.

Before enrolling to my Master's program, I got a PhD in Political Science and worked as a Managing Editor for online analytical journal. During my previous career in academia, I developed strong analytical, communication and management skills.

I'm the person who stays curious and loves learning. I thrive in the MOOC-era.
Here are few examples of online courses I took:


My favorite hobby is travelling. I love exploring the world and usually plan my trips thoroughly beforehand. I strongly believe that it's better to collect memories rather than material stuff.
I dream about visiting all national parks in the USA. So far, I have visited 21 of them!